Annunciation School has a comprehensive Community Service Program that enables 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students to put their faith into action by sharing their talent and time with the school, parish, and their local communities.
6th grade students are required to serve a minimum of 12 hours to the school or parish and 4 hours to their local community. 7th grade students are required to serve a minimum of 15 hours to the school or parish and 6 hours to their local community. 8th grade students are required to serve a minimum of 18 hours to the school or parish and 8 hours to their local community.
Service hours are logged online in the FACTS Family Portal.
All services to others must be unpaid and regular chores assigned around the house are not acceptable. Community hours are acquired by providing valuable services to local NOT FOR PROFIT agencies. Many opportunities are available around school and parish to complete the requirement. Service hours completed must be turned in two weeks after the service is completed. All service must be completed and logged online to be turned in by April 30 of each year. Failure to complete the minimum requirements may result in the student not attending his/her class field trip in May. Annunciation sponsors a Community Service Day in the fall for all sixth, seventh, and eighth graders. Students, teachers, and parent volunteers will go into the community to serve for a half day.