Please note: As teachers prepare Quarter 4 Report Card grades, SchoolSpeak progress reports for grades 1st - 7th will be inaccessible beginning May 30th . • If you have a Kindergarten or 8th grade student, grades are being recorded this week, and they will be published online this Friday, May 29th, after school (SchoolSpeak is inaccessible to you at this time to examine progress reports). • On June 5th, all report cards (Grades 1-7) will be published, via SchoolSpeak, after school is dismissed. • If you have any questions or you cannot access your account, please email Jeune Winkel at: [email protected]
On June 5 (the last day of school), students, grades 1-7, will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. Please make arrangements for your child(ren) to be picked up at this time. (Home and School will be hosting the end of the year picnic with games, activities, and a picnic lunch. All activities will conclude in time for a 1:00 p.m. dismissal).